The Greatest Expression of You!

Books by Brian Marc Zimberg - From your True-OneSelf into the Greatest Expression of you.


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Stop Smile Breathe Be

A modern guide to spiritual awakening written to match the high-speed, on-demand lives we live today, Brian Marc shares essential teachings from his revolutionary program Access Points -The Modern Life Meditation Plan.  “It is our attention stuck in our mind, identified with our thoughts and perspective, that creates all of life’s suffering.”  By learning to recognize the survival patterns of the mind and utilizing the #1 Access Point SSBB, you connect to the peace and balance which is always present...the YOU which is infinitely plugged into the Divine.  As we continue to do SSBB and apply the lessons in this book a few minutes a day, life becomes meditation.  You will live a life of greater harmony, happiness, and certainty.  Relationships improve, creativity abounds, and stress fades away.


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Discover How YOU Can Access the Profound Peace of Meditation INSTANTLY! Anytime. Anywhere.

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